Providing optimised Technology links to Customer needs

About Joschain Consultancy Limited

Our Company

Joschain Consultancy Limited (JCL) is based near Cambridge UK, and employees a dedicated and experience team of professionals providing customers support, advise and solution provider for your technical and managerial needs.

Our philosophy is to find and assist your company's strategy and implementation of the best, most cost effective solution to your problems and reaching your final vision in a pragmatic way.

If the solution includes hardware and other services then we look at any initial capital investment as well as the overall cost of ownership to the company thereby allowing greater understanding of the true investment required for the way forward.

Our Approach

We adopt a collaborative, open and interactive approach to each project. Taking the time to understand the clients remit and to determine the underlining reasons behind it. This often means the remit being modified allowing further cost savings at the onset of the project whilst still ensuring project delivery meets the client’s needs. The flexible and collaborative approach throughout the project provides opportunities of refinement which if reduces the final delivery or timescales, also leads to further cost savings.

Knowing that no two customers, projects or situations are alike although could be similar, we know that the solution, whether requiring business change or transformation, the utilisation of new or existing technology, or a mixture of all, will also never be the same. This makes the open working relationship between client and JCL imperative to bringing satisfaction to all on completion of the tasks.

By harnessing our collective and diverse technical and managerial knowledge we can solve the toughest challenges and deliver tangible benefits for our customers with the drive and passion to see a job well done. However, honesty is also a integral part of our nature. At the outset if we believe we cannot assist you to meet your needs we will be let you know prior to taking on the contract.

Having said that we are passionate about what we do and see challenges as away of life, to be overcome while enjoying as well as continually improving from the experience.

So What Do You Get?

Although we can and have managed whole project from beginning to end, including requirement capture, ITT, Proposals, Feasibility studies, specification, tender evaluations, contract administration, implementation, operations and maintenance. We also see the value of a collaborative approach working to a long term relationship with your organisation, for which it is important that knowledge used for your project is shared so that your own capabilities expand.

We would therefore provide:

  • Professionalism and Quality
  • Honesty, trust and transparent working ethics
  • Independence and impartiality
  • Expertise and Experience